My Journey About a year ago I read an article about a man struggling with his mental health and it brought me to tears. I related to it on such a deep level on my journey with anxiety. The man wrote about how he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. He wrote about habits he did before getting on airplanes, he wrote about how ... read more
Sleeping Habits
The past couple weeks I have been working on my sleeping habits. You know, working on things like going to sleep at the same time, no screens a half hour before bed, drinking sleepy time tea and using my new weighted blanket! It feels like my life has changed. Below I included my Pre bed-time routine, quick sleep hacks and other tips I've found ... read more
30 Day Yoga and Meditation Challenge
DAY 1. TO BEGIN. Beginnings aren’t always beautiful (as seen above lol) but I think they are almost always magical. (And in case you are wondering that is my version of a downward dog and a side angle pose.) Today, I will start a 30 DAY CHALLENGE of yoga and meditation to help combat my #anxiety. Anxiety has always been a very real struggle in ... read more
The Importance of Fitness for your MENTAL Health
We all know that a workout is good for your body! But it is also one of the best ways to improve your mental health. As someone who struggles with anxiety I can attest to the fact that fitness has been a huge benefit to my mental health. It is a mood booster, helps regulates my sleep and has also been a great way for me to get ... read more
Travel in Style + 3 Tips for an Anxious Flyer
Call me ol' fashioned but I still like to look nice when I travel. I'm not the top-knot, leggings and and oversized tee kind of girl. (But hey,.. you do, you!) Here is the way I look at it... I intentionally bought the tickets for a place I am excited to visit AND more than likely I spent at-least $250 bucks on the flight. So my thought ... read more
Initial Steps into My Fit Routine
|Pants: LilyBod | Top American Apparel| Sports Bra: Alala| Initial Steps into the Fit World Over the past couple of years, I have focused a lot of energy into healthy living. I have struggled with anxiety almost my entire life and every time I approached someone for help I heard the same thing "You need to make a lifestyle change." So, ... read more