The past couple weeks I have been working on my sleeping habits. You know, working on things like going to sleep at the same time, no screens a half hour before bed, drinking sleepy time tea and using my new weighted blanket! It feels like my life has changed. Below I included my Pre bed-time routine, quick sleep hacks and other tips I've found ... read more
30 Day Yoga and Meditation Challenge
DAY 1. TO BEGIN. Beginnings aren’t always beautiful (as seen above lol) but I think they are almost always magical. (And in case you are wondering that is my version of a downward dog and a side angle pose.) Today, I will start a 30 DAY CHALLENGE of yoga and meditation to help combat my #anxiety. Anxiety has always been a very real struggle in ... read more
Waking up with Energy and Intention
Sweatshirt | Shorts | Lipstick Monday mornings are hard for me. To be perfectly honest, every morning is a little tricky for me. I am not a morning person by trait. I've always wanted to be but the facts are facts and I have accepted this :) I actually realized it is best if I don't push myself to any crazy morning extremes. The 6am alarm ... read more
Tips to Making Your New Years Resolutions Happen!
I know New Years Resolutions can be a touchy subject for some. Plain and simple, some people like them and some people don't. Personally, I LOVE them. BUT my take is you've got to set goals that work for YOU and set them WHEN they work for you. Outfit C/O ALALA| Tank | Pants | Sports Bra | Long Sleeve I know New Years Resolutions ... read more
Transition Work Out to Go Out
If you were to run into me at any given moment.. there is about a 75% chance you'll find me in athlesiure wear. Between working out and errands I need to maximize my wardrobe to stay comfortable and look good doing it. :) Here I transition my workout outfit into a look for running around town. How? Simply ... read more